Record Power
Record Power has over one hundred years of expertise and experience in the design and manufacture of fine Woodworking Machinery and Tools, they aim to offer a high quality choice of machines and accessories that can be bought with total confidence, offering real value and backed up with long term support and guarantees. Whether you are a first time purchaser or an experienced woodworker, Record Power will supply a product of the highest quality to suit your requirements.
Record Power has a long and impressive history. Established in Sheffield, the heart of the UK's steel industry, and stretching back over 100 years, they enjoy an enviable reputation for creating high quality tools through their many years of experience and unparalleled knowledge in manufacturing and design. Their policy of continual improvement and development has seen them remain at the forefront of tool manufacturing whilst also acquiring and developing such brands as Coronet of Derby and Burgess from Leicester. In addition, their industrial brand, Startrite, also has a long history of providing high quality, durable machinery to the trade professional and various features of these machines are the inspirations behind aspects of many Record Power machines.